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Friday, May 11, 2012



I can tell you the name of the movie.  It was The Corpse Grinders.  I think it played with one or two other gross movies filled with blood, murder, and grisly body parts.  We went on sort of a movie viewing rampage in San Bernadino that summer.  The Godfather was one of the other movies we saw.

You are lucky you are not running for president.  If you were, they would dig up your high school  mountain climbing scandal.  The headline would be something like FISHER APOLOGIZES AFTER REVELATION THAT HE LEFT A FRIEND ON MOUNTAIN TO DIE.  But you could give a Romneyesque apology, something like "I apologize if I did anything to hurt David's feelings.  I thought he was just pretending to be tired.  We were always goofing around and having a good time back them.  I am mortified that David took it the wrong way."   Actually, it doesn't sound to me like you did anything wrong.  This David guy was the one in the wrong, just wimping out and turning around without even telling anyone.  Part of the reason you were so exhausted the next day was that you had to expend all kinds of needless energy going back and looking for him.  I think you should go to the reunion, and coldcock him.  He's an asshole.

Speaking of assholes, this Chris guy just sounds like one of these people who get unbearably obnoxious when they've had a few drinks.  He also sounds like he doesn't take responsibility for his actions.  He'd be the guy who punches his wife, then says it was her fault. It would be interesting to do a study of different people, and the way they react to alcohol.  Some people get talkative and merry, others become antagonistic and aggressive. Some get sullen and silent... or maybe that's just the first stage before being antagonistic and aggressive. What are some other ways that people act when they are drunk?  Anyway, I wonder about the part of a person's personality that comes out when they've been drinking.  Is the "real" them that is unleashed by their depressed inhibitions, or is it something else?  I wonder if those people came down with Alzheimer's disease, are those the tendencies they would take on? Would the person who becomes angry when he's drunk also be the guy who'd be angry and upset all the time when he's got dementia? And the one who gets all friendly when he's been drinking would be the same one who'd sit there with a happy, distant smile on his face in the last stages of Alzheimer's?  Who knows?

I got an e-mail from Barrack Obama (yeah, right), titled "My Best Friend."  I was afraid his message was going to say I am his best friend and would I donate $100 to his campaign.  But no, it was about how Michelle is his best friend, and he wanted me to sign an electronic Mother's Day card that he was going to send to her.  "Okay, I'm game," I thought.  So I clicked on "Sign the card" and the next thing I knew I was staring at a page asking me how much do I want to donate to the campaign... $15? .... $25? .... $50? .... $100?....  $250?....$500? .... $1000?   I will donate money again at some point, but not today.

I see J.P. Morgan bank just lost two billions dollars with some risky trading scheme.  Two billion dollars?!  Gosh, it's great to know that the banks learned so much from the 2008 debacle.


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