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Thursday, May 10, 2012

Romney and the corpse grinders


I am thinking it is a good thing that this unfortunate Chris will be coming along on the backpacking trip.  It's like having a lightning rod in the neighborhood, you just have to make sure you keep him at enough of a distance so that if some really unfortunate thing happens to him, you're not in the blast zone.  It would be different if you were all going to be on a boat together in the middle of the ocean where back luck for him would mean bad luck for everybody, but being in the mountains, it's a totally different.  You can rest easy, knowing all the bad energy will be headed his way.  Particularly if drinking is involved.

But what is this business of four football player-sized black guys being in a sleazy little bar in Tokyo?  What where these four brawny black men doing there?  And why did they care if he paid his bill or not?  Something is missing from that story.  I think Chris must have done something more objectionable than refusing to pay his bar tab.

I didn't realize there was a whole subculture of gross middle aged men posing as exotic fashion photographers, but it makes sense.  Yes, you're right, Wayne's website is all about hot babes supposedly testifying that he's fun and safe, the kind of person you would want to spend time with if you were a lively young woman with a beautiful body.  Which also makes sense.  The guy definitely puts a remarkable amount of thought and energy into this hobby of his.  It makes me want to develop some kind of scumbag activity that I can pour my enthusiasm into.  Something that will give me a good reason to develop a web site to further my nefarious plans.  For some reason, it makes me think of a low budget movie we saw in San Bernadino when we were teenagers.  The plot involved a butcher shop where they were killing people and grinding them up and turning them into pet food.  As I recall, it was being fed to cats, and the cats were then going out and attacking people.  And there was a scene where they had just killed two guys out back at the meat market, one white guy and one black guy.  Someone comes in the shop, asking for a pound of meat, and the butcher looks in back and then asks the customer if he wants light meat or dark meat.  Here's a memory quiz for you:  Do you remember that movie?  If so, what was the name of it?

Very, very interesting that information is coming up that Romney was a cruel, bullying asshole at his prestigious prep school.  Not surprising, I guess, but it adds a whole new dimension to his horribleness.  After reading the story about his vile "pranks and hijinks" against people who didn't fit in, I have to watch out that I don't develop a pathological hatred for the guy.  That whole persona -- the handsome, popular, leader of the crowd who goes around torturing outcasts for the amusement of his buddies -- I have a serious problem with that. I read the Fox News article to see how they handled the story, if they did at all.  They manage to report it in such a way that Romney comes across as a real fun guy in high school.  Sure, maybe he did some dumb things, but isn't that what being a teenager is all about?

I bought a light down jacket the other day from L. L. Bean.  I had forgotten what a great material down is.  There seems to be a flexible quality to the way it modulates temperature..... when it's cold, it keeps you warm, but if it's somewhat warm outside, it doesn't make you hot.  It just traps that pleasant warm temperature, without overdoing it.


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