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Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Bjorn Andreson


Yes, electric hedge trimmers are an awful concept.  You're pretty much guaranteed to cut the cord, unless maybe you discipline yourself to only spent five minutes at a time using the trimmer, and each of those minutes you give full attention to NOT cutting the cord, so much attention and focus that after five minutes you need to put the trimmer away and take a nap.  The only possibly worse gadget I can think of is an electric lawn mower, which is a truly awkward, dumb device, destined to also end up with lots of sparks and fireworks from cut cords.

Acid reflux sounds like an unpleasant surprise to wake up to.  It sounds like it would not be a good idea to have a nightcap of a glass of chocolate liqueur each night just before going to bed?

I think the movie of Death in Venice wasn't so much a Hollywood romance action adventure as a cult film for gay men.  It was made by an Italian director who made no bones about his homosexuality, which was kind of unusual in the 70's.  He called the kid who played Tadzio "the most beautiful boy in the world," and apparently he took him to a gay bar, and all these old gay men were pawing all over him.  This kid -- he was Swedish -- is not homosexual, and after the movie was made suddenly all the gay men in the world were dreaming about him, and following him around, and he was totally typecast as a "pretty boy."  But what he really wanted was to be a serious actor, like Harrison Ford or something.  He worked diligently on getting his image turned around, and rejected all offers for roles that called for him to be mincing around and batting his eyelashes, and then a book by this famous writer named Germaine Greer came out, with an unauthorized photo of him from his pretty boy days on the cover, barechested and looking again very much like a girl-boy.  The name of the book was "The Beautiful Boy."  That dealt a pretty serious blow to his carefully laid out plans.  So today, if you enter his name --  Bjorn Andreson -- in google images, all you find is a bunch of pictures of him as a pretty boy dressed up like a doll in little sailor suits and looking very, very silly.  It's wonderful how much you can learn about this kind of stuff, from a few clicks on the computer keyboard.  Sadly, I don't feel sorry for him at all, because I've got a bitter, jealous rage against all people who find success and fortune based on their good looks, since I didn't get to do that and it's NOT FAIR!  There actually are a few photos of him the way he looks today, more or less. He was born in 1955.  He looks like he spends a good deal of his time working on getting his hair to stand up in an unnatural and affected way, like a lion's mane.  I attached one of the these photos.  It would be more satisfying if he looked worse, with deep wrinkles and heavy dark bags under his eyes. 

The Chinese girl you were talking about sounds like she embodies most of the reasons why China is going to take over the world and eventually be using Americans as servants and experimental laboratory subjects, if we're lucky.  They are very practical and goal oriented, and willing to do whatever it takes to get ahead in the world, without a whole lot of nonsense about what they feel like doing, or emotions, and that sort of rubbish.  The book I was reading about the history of a t-shirt was talking about how awful their jobs are in the textile factories in Shanghai and places like that, where they're working twelve hour days, six days a work, with hardly any breaks, hunched over their machines, etc, etc.  But if you interview these people, most of them will say how happy they are to have that job, and how much better it is than their lives on the farms where they grew up, and how they plan to save up enough money to open a little shop of their own, and eventually they will..... etc. etc.  We're going down.


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