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Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Bachelorette Wipeout


If the main idea in life is to have as much fun for as long as possible, I'd say the gated community golf course types down in Florida are probably on the right track.  Sure, it's not Love Boat, but it's pretty much the same idea... a well-designed plan for trying to be carefree and fun as much as possible, in a vacation-like setting, that takes into consideration the fact that the people are now old and unattractive to most of society.  So build a wall and keep most of society out, and establish a new society where age is in, and fun and games are still where it's at.  I mean, you've got to hand it to these people, they have moved on and are doing their best with the hand they've been dealt.  I'm sure the alcohol flows pretty freely in there, and that they do their best to make it Love Boat-like.

Yes, the Bachelorette.  The only thing is, now that I've seen an hour of it, I feel like I've experienced about 95% of what the show is all about and I don't need to spend an inordinate amount of time getting the rest of the details of what happens from here on out.  The drama of the roses, the weird, schmaltzy dramatic music that almost makes it seem like it's all some kind of ironic spoof, the secret visits, the passionate kisses.  Sure, I don't know who will get chosen in the end, but I think I got a decent bang for my hour of viewing.  You could even say it was a good investment of my time. After that, though, it's a definitely a matter of diminishing returns.  I've seen what the dog looks like, I don't need to spend twelve more hours inspecting each square inch of its fur with a magnifying glass.  Peggy, on the other hand, did not get much out of her time with the show.  She was asleep after about five minutes.  So, what other shows should I watch one episode of, just to get my finger on the pulse of America? This is a real question; I'm asking for the names of more important shows. Actually, I did notice they had advertisements for another show-- Wipeout, and I thought, "Now that's entertainment!"  The beauty of Wipeout is that it makes no pretensions that it's anything more than a big steaming pile of dog shit, which makes it charming and admirable in a way.  Not that I actually watch it, but I have fond memories of watching it with Katherine one time when she was here on a visit.

I see that Obama has done some "executive privilege" thing to keep Eric Holder from being held in contempt in the "Fast and Furious" case.  Well, that will get the conservatives whirling on their heads in rage, no doubt, like old white break dancers, which will be a lot of fun for them.  I don't even know what this whole "Fast and Furious" thing is about, but I know it's very, very important to the Fox News republicans.  It's the headline item day after day on the online Fox website, while the New York Times airily ignores the whole thing.  Here.... let's just see what Fox has to say now....  Ah, here's the most recent headline:  "WHY is the White House Hiding Details of Agent's Death?"  Yes, that sounds about right.  Do you know about the Fast and Furious tempest?  I'm sure if I were a tea party type, I would be outraged over it, too, and the fact that all the "liberal" media are choosing to ignore this important story-of-the-century.

I was looking for something to read on the trip, and Peggy suggested a book called Be Fearless: Change Your Life in 28 Days.  So maybe I'll read that.  When I see you, we will both be experts in confronting fear.  Do the have some sort of Niagara Falls-type place near you, that we can go over in a barrel?


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