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Monday, June 4, 2012

Luka Rocco Magnotta?


Keep me posted on the mouse thing.  It's interesting.

We have been having non-stop rain for three days now, and by non-stop, I mean non-stop, without ever stopping.  You go outside at any time, day or night, and it's raining, sometimes lightly, sometimes hard.  How can there be so much water up there in the air? Under conditions like that, water comes into our basement... our basement is suddenly a very low place in the way of great underground rivers.  When we first moved into this house, it would happen that the water would come up a couple of feet high down there.  Incredibly cold water that made you gasp if you waded down into it, which I did a few times.  It was like sloshing around down in steerage on the Titanic.  It's dangerous to do that, thanks to the possibility of getting electrocuted, since the furnace, washing machine and other large electrical appliances are also down there in the water, but I didn't know that at the time, being a California boy with no experience of such things.  Eventually, we had work done where they dug a sort of gravel filled covered trench all around the inside walls of the basement, that drains the water into a pit in the basement floor with a couple of sump pumps in it.  Right now, those pumps are running almost constantly.  If for some reason they stopped working, the basement would once again be under a couple of feet of water within a couple of hours.  The water pumps up and outside and goes onto the lawn.  You'd think it would create a huge lake out there, but it all seems to soak into the soil.  The grass around that area grows particularly lush and green, like a field of cattails.  I took a photo of this basement sump pump place, but it doesn't really convey the spirit of constantly inflowing and outflowing rush of water.  There's a constant sound of pouring water, it it feels like being hooked up to a life support machine.

Yes, politics seem to be completely about money these days.  If some billionaire decided to spend a really sizable chunk of his fortune, he could probably singlehandedly decide who the next president would be.  For all I know, maybe that's happening right now.  As voters, we're just a bunch of rodents, having our destiny decided for us by whoever has the most money to appear to buy food pellets for the majority of other rodents. 

We're back into burrito mode around here.  I bought a big roast and cooked it for hours in the crock pot until it basically became pulled beef, then added caramelized onions and all sort of other good things, and now it's Mexico-in-Maine for a few days.

I see that the arrest of this kitten-killing Canadian psycho, "Luka Rocco Magnotta" in Berlin is so noteworthy that even the New York Times covered it.  Well, that's the wonderful thing about the age we live in, that a humble porn star psychopath can be a fascinating celebrity, and maintain a website where he keeps the world updated on his views about life, politics and the media, with a constant stream of photographs of himself in glamorous places.  Too bad for him that he slipped up by mailing body parts to different political offices, while not removing the torso from his own apartment.... kind of careless, if you ask me.  I didn't see anything about cannibalism, but it seems perfectly natural and believable, given the other stuff this guy was into.  It's too bad about the kittens, but he certainly showed initiative.  He looks a lot like Tom Cruise, which doesn't hurt, I guess.


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