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Saturday, June 2, 2012

The Misfits


So, did you enjoy Bonnie and Clyde as much this time around, or was it a disappointment?  It was a pretty ground-breaking and emotional movie when it first came out, that's for sure.  I remember we saw it at the theater in Crestline. That's the only movie I remember ever seeing in that Crestline theater.  But I could imagine seeing it again now and thinking it was lame and boring.  Actually, I think I did see it several years ago, and I did think it was kind of lame and boring.  Same with Little Big Man, which I thought was great the first time around.  Oh well.  Sometimes, I think it's a matter of a person's state of mind when they watch a movie.  Just like a person enjoys food a lot more when they are really hungry,  there are certain situations and emotional conditions that might make a person enjoy a movie more or less than they normally would.  For instance, that time we watched most of the movie, The Misfits, when we were sick in Mexico.  Not that it's a bad movie, it's a good movie,  but for some reason, under those specific conditions, it seemed like the most amazing, magical movie. I have seldom enjoyed a movie more.  It all seemed to strange and wonderful, under the semi-delirious circumstances. Particularly that bizarre sequence where they focused on Marilyn Monroe's butt bouncing up and down as she rode her horse, and it seemed to go on for five minutes. And there was another time a few months ago when I was riding on a bus from Boston to Portland.  I was extremely tired, and they were playing a ridiculous and dumb comedy called Galaxy Quest.  But it was so silly and intellectually non-demanding and perfect for my mental condition that I totally enjoyed every minute of it.  When I got off the bus, I told the bus driver "That was a great movie!" I'm sure he thought I was being sarcastic, but I was totally sincere.

Everything I just said in that paragraph, I feel like I've said before in previous e-mails at different times, but so what.  That's the great thing about getting older.  You get a free pass to repeat yourself over and over.  It's like having a lifetime pass to Disneyland, only not as much fun.

I will be interested to hear if you come across any more mice.  Usually one mouse means many mice.

Your recent ebay experience selling the stereoview cards sounds extremely frustrating, like some kind of mild form of torture.  You should just sell all of them in a single lot and be done with it.  Selling those cards one at a time for 99 cents each is crazy.  Of course, I understand, the hope is that some of them will go for much more than 99 cents.   What is the most you ever got for one of these cards, and what did the picture show?

I see you have lots of bright sunshine in Lake Tahoe these days, which must make you feel like a grub that has been unearthed from its comfortable place under the dirt, and now it's lying in the light, ready to be found by robins or crows.  I think of the grub image because I have been digging in the garden lately, and coming across some of these grubs now and then.  I squish them with my fingers.  Right now we've got a driving rain, with rain, clouds and fog forecast for the next three days.  Maine is like that a lot in the spring.


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