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Tuesday, June 5, 2012

mice, cannibals, zombies


Yes, maybe Dick Cheney would look something like our sump pump set-up, if you opened him up and looked inside.  That's a good analogy.

Thanks for the informative update on cannibalism.  Actually, I think it's maybe better not to know about that stuff.  That kind of sordid information has a way of worming its way deep into the brain like a virus, and who knows where it leads?  Could be it be connected to the fact that I find myself wondering, what does human flesh actually taste like?  Chicken, probably.  That's what they say about all sorts of strange meats, from rattlesnake to alligator.... it all tastes like chicken.

I really do think it's a good idea to limit the amount of information, especially videos, that a person allows to stream into their consciousness.  For instance, during my research on Luka Rocca Whateverhisnameis, I came across what seemed to be an opportunity to watch his video where he kills his Chinese boyfriend with an ice pick and then....I'm not sure.  Has sex with the body parts?  Fortunately, the little angel voice part of me was able to win the argument with the little devil voice, and convince me that I really didn't need to see that.  But, for other reasons, I did end up watching a youtube offering of the Zapruder film, which basically shows Kennedy's head exploding.  Now that I've seen that, I'm thinking, it probably would have been better not to have inserted that image into my brain.

I think zombies should be kept clean and fun.  The link you sent me about cannibal zombies violates the clean, fun zombie standard.  If any news about zombies doesn't make you laugh, then it's inappropriate.  Here in Portland they have an annual event called Zombie Kickball, where people dress up like zombies and play kickball.  I've never seen it, but I imagine there is a lot of healthy laughter and silliness, with no bad aftertaste.  That is what zombies should be all about.

Yes, I've heard about these bath salts.  It doesn't sound like something you'd want to fool around with, unless you don't mind suddenly finding yourself with some guy's face in your mouth, and blood dribbling down your chin, and you're wondering, "What the heck?!"  Bath salts have been a problem in northern Maine, which is sort of an isolated Appalachian-mountain-type area full of unemployed, uneducated, desperate people with an affinity for  crystal meth, prescription pain killers, and now bath salts.

Okay, so now you've found two mice.  That means more.  I'm guessing at least six or eight.  Tell me again how this plastic bucket/empty jar of peanut butter trap works.  I don't quite get it.  At any rate, it makes me wonder what happens to a mouse after you release it in unknown territory a mile away from its home.  Does it quickly find a nice new unoccupied place to live and settle happily into a welcoming nature community, or does it spend a few hours or minutes of terror, before being killed and eaten by the animal residents of the area -- including other mice, which are pretty territorial, I think --  who grew up there are are already familiar with all the safe hiding places, the food sources, and so on?  Or perhaps the evicted mouse is a real survivor, a fighter, in which case I guess it stands a chance of killing or terrorizing the weaker resident mice who had previously been living there in hard-won harmony.  Who knows?  No one can say you're not at least giving them a chance.  This is why people keep cats, which is the perfect solution....  a sociopathic small animal serial killer masquerading as a cute, lovable ball of pettable fluff.  In cases of mouse proliferation I  the solution of the old fashioned snap trap acceptable,  except -- and this is a BIG except --  that about one out of every ten times it seems to not kill the mouse instantly but to injure or incapacitate it somehow, which is truly horrible. 


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